





应用计算机科学 is a unique academic program that prepares our students for a variety of careers w在这里 computer science is utilized. That includes the typical career of software development and also careers in fields that intersect computer science, 比如医疗保健, 法律, 业务, 媒体, 科学, 和教育.

Courses include current and relevant topics including but not limited to robotics, 移动开发, 媒体计算, 网络安全, 和大数据. Applied CS students work both in groups and individually throughout the program, which culminates in a senior capstone project w在这里 students work together to complete a project of choice or one commissioned by an external organization. Students can get additional hands-on experience through internships and undergraduate research opportunities. 读 这次采访 to learn more about why you may want to study computer science at southern大学.

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The future of Computer Science is now.


Why study 应用计算机科学 at 澳门新葡京官网?

  • Learn from experienced computer science professionals.
  • Work on a Capstone project that allows you to work together on a project of your choice or one commissioned by an external organization.
  • Hands-on learning opportunities with robotics, 移动开发, 媒体计算, 网络安全, 还有大数据.
  • Opportunities for extra-curricular activities, such as internships and undergraduate research projects.
  • Earn a Computer Science degree that is up-to-date and relevant, preparing you for the future of technology.


    学习成果 and Curriculum 

    After completing the Applied CS program, a student will be able to

    • Organize and manipulate data
    • Write code for computational problems
    • Optimize alternative computational approaches for enhancing the creation and presentation of raw material 



    For the major, t在这里 are four tracks from which a student may choose.

    Students must complete the following base courses:

    • CAC 180: 编程我 – Introduction to textual programming using Python. The course will cover data types, decisions, loops, functions, basic data structures, and classes.
    • CAC 190: 编程二世 – A course strictly devoted to solving problems using programming logic, building on programming skills acquired in CAC 180 by reinforcing problem solving skills. 前ics include classes, recursion, threading, and mandatory code reviews.
    • CAC 210: Data Structures and Media Computation – An advanced programming survey. Data structures to be covered include lists, 栈, 队列, 树, 和图表, in addition to searching and sorting algorithms. Assignments will involve the manipulation of 媒体 such as art and music.
    • CAC 220: Storage and Analysis of Data – An introduction to database development 还有大数据. 前ics will include sql databases, database programming, big data storage, and data analytics.
    • CAC 310: Programming Languages – An examination of three programming paradigms. The course requires students to learn three different languages and how to determine the best language for a given problem.
    • CAC 430: Human Computer Interaction and Software Engineering – An exploration of ways to improve the user experience. Students will examine existing interfaces, 写分析, 和设计 their own interfaces requiring the use of design documents.
    • CAC 470: 高级顶点 – A senior capstone experience in applied computer science. 在团队中工作, students will propose and implement a project by moving through each phase of the software development process.


    Students will take additional courses based on the chosen track:

    1. 计算机工程: The Computer Engineering Track deepens students’ understanding of electronic circuits. This track prepares students to work with embedded systems and the Internet of Things. Students will take additional math courses as well as specialized applied computer science courses. Required courses include: Calculus I, 微积分二世, 线性代数, Computer Architecture and the Internet of Things, 电路, 和机器人.
    2. 软件工程: The Software Engineering Track strengthens students’ programming and software design skills. Additional math courses are required to strengthen students’ problem solving abilities and their theoretical knowledge. The curriculum enhances software design, implementation, and testing skills. Required courses include Calculus I, 微积分二世, 离散数学, 软件设计, 系统及网络安全, 还有一门应用计算机科学选修课.
    3. Creative Media Manipulation: The Creative Media Manipulation Track encourages students to apply their computer science foundation to the arts. Students will take a variety of arts courses in order to build a better understanding of space, 运动, 电影, 和设计. Required courses include two Media and Film Studies courses, 两门艺术课程, 及两门戏剧课程.
    4. 行业跟踪: The Industry Track provides the foundations of computer science, and gives students room to apply the major to another field. 如果选择此轨道, it is highly recommended that students choose a minor to which students will apply the concepts learned in the applied computer science program. Required courses include: Statistics OR Calculus I, Art: 2D design, and four Applied CS electives.



    • 编程我
    • 编程二世
    • one additional unit in CAC at the 200 level
    • two additional units in CAC at the 300/400 level


    • 编程我 or Data Science Programming
    • Statistics or Data Science Statistics
    • 数据科学I
    • 数据科学II
    • Research Project or Internship

    Accelerated Data Science Program

    Learn more about our Accelerated Data Science Program in collaboration with Flatiron School 在这里.

    Undergraduate Research Ideas



    Your ideas will be strongly encouraged and supported, 但如果你需要一个想法, 在这里 is some current work and/or ideas:

    • Creating a drag and drop programming language to teach elementary students computational thinking while strengthening math and/or reading skills.
      • During the 2018-2019 academic year, 应用计算机科学 小, Rebecca Weston, and Dr. Wagner worked collaboratively on a Vail Fellowship to create a math programming game for first and second grade students.
      • Applied CS and Math double major, Hyun Lee, is currently working on this project. He has expanded the block programming language and will be conducting a user study in Spring 2021.
    • 2020-2021 seniors have been invited to develop a tool to assist developers in verifying that accessibility concerns are addressed during the design and development process.
    • Creating a Tactile Input Modality: This work requires the use of Arduinos and Raspberry Pis to enable students with visual impairments to have an alternate input modality when programming with block languages. 点击 在这里查看以前的工作.
      • 应用计算机科学 小, Roger Wang, conducted further research on this topic. His research was well received. He presented at ACM MidSoutheast, was awarded 2 ndplace in the ACM SIGCSE 2019 Student Research Competition, and had a paper accepted to the ACM Southeast 2019 conference (17.95%合格率).
    • Creating a Vocal User Interface: T在这里 has been substantial work on creating vocal user interfaces to interact with block programming, but t在这里 is still a great deal to be done. 看看
    • Evaluating a Vocal User Interface: T在这里 are numerous empirical methods for evaluating graphical user interfaces, but t在这里 are no existing empirical methods for evaluating vocal user interfaces. This work would be the foundation for establishing these evaluation methods. 




    The 高级顶点 will put all of your skills to the test. Here are some past projects:

    • Creating a motorized wheelchair simulator to assist young children in learning how to use a joystick to control a motorized wheelchair. Students are working with a local organization to ensure they fully understand the requirements of the project.
    • Designing and building an Outbreak Detection Robot (ODR), which is a remote controlled robot that detects toxic gases and radiation. The student designed and printed the robot components using 3D printing and assembled the robot with the necessary sensors. 
    • Researching the randomness of a newly developed Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG). This project combined math and computer science to develop a PRNG based on research conducted on existing PRNGs. The resulting algorithm was statistically evaluated for randomness, and the results show that the newly developed PRNG does generate “random” numbers to assist in the complexity of hashing passwords to better the level of encryption.
    • Creating a game for children with disabilities. This game provides a simple to use interface with intellectually stimulating games for children with disabilities. This student is working with experts from Hand-in-Hand to verify the functionality of the game meets the target audience’s needs.
    • Experimenting with Natural Language Processing. 在这个项目中, the student reveals the capabilities of one of the leading platforms for Python programs, the NLTK (Natural Language Processing Toolkit) by previewing and applying various functions of this toolkit to Amazon Review Data, showing how these can both provide insight and expedite appropriate action.




    毕业生 of the Applied CS program have been successful after graduating proceeding to enter the work force or pursue graduate studies. Our students can be found working companies such as:

    • 国防部
    • Cofense
    • Bimaire
    • 西班牙对外银行指南针银行
    • 六角PPM 

    Other students can be found studying:

    • Master’s of Data Science at UAB
    • Master’s of Computer Engineering at UAH 

    小s of the program can be found working at:

    • IBM
    • Aviana Global Technologies




    Dr. 琥珀瓦格纳Dr. 琥珀瓦格纳
    部门  应用计算机科学
    900 Arkadelphia Road / Box 549032 
    Birmingham, Alabama 35254-9021

    Dr. 安东尼•温彻斯特Dr. 安东尼•温彻斯特
    部门  应用计算机科学
    900 Arkadelphia Road / Box 549032 
    Birmingham, Alabama 35254-9021